These Holy people were:
The four pious caliphs
(1 to 4)
Hazrat Talha bin Ubaidullah
Hazrat Zubair bin-ul-Awam
Hazrat Abd-ul-Rahman bin Auf 7
Hazrat Sa’d bin Abi Waqas
Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah 10
Out of these ten the four pious caliphs possessed such distinguished qualities and high spiritual ranks that when we ponder on their status individually we think that every one of them was unparallel in his position and none could be a match for them specially the rank of the lamp of the Shabistan (nightland) of sainthood (friendship of Allah), spring of the garden of cognizance, The Leader of Waseleen (connected ones with Allah) and Syed (chief) of the devotees, the leader of those who joined Allah, the leader of the people of cognizance, the last of the caliphate of prophethood, the conqueror of chains of tariqat (religious customs), Moula(Lord) of Muslims, Amirul Momineen (commander of the faithful) father of the pious Imams, possessor of pious nature, and purified temperament, the ancestor of the Imams, Tahir (Chaste), Mutahir (Purifier), Qasim of Kausor (the Distributor of Kausar), The lion of Allah Mazhar-ul-Ajaeb (Exhibitor of the wonders), The Matlub of all (Desired by all) Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib Karama Allah-u-Wajhu (Let Allah bless his countenance). And we gathered him in the group on the Aqeem (barren) day: The laudable attributes and the noble habits of this great man of elevated rank are innumerable and are so frequently talked about that none can be parallel to him in this respect.
Then the twins Shaikhain (chiefs) the Sahabeen Saherain (Molten friends) whose daughters were given in marriage to the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and were called the mothers of Momins (the men of faith).
They were the vazirs (Ministers) of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). According to Hadith, the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) said: “I have two Vazirs in the heaven Jibrael (Gabrael) and Mekael (Mechael) and two Vazirs on earth, Abu Bakr and Umar (Radi Allah Anhum.)
They were the Ameers (the two leaders of the Faithful) the pious caliphs. They were Musheer-an (The consultants). Both of them were the advisers of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). Both were zajiain (Co-sleepers) they are laid to rest on the side of Holy Prophet’s (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) last abode. Both were Rafiqain (Devoted Friends) of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam).
They were Syedna and Moulana Hazrat Abdullah Alateeq Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq and Hazrat Abu Hafs Umar Farooq (Radi Allah A’nhum). Their exalted grandeur is distinguished from the disposition of others. Allah and His Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) had bestowed great favour on them. They stood next in rank to the prophets and the favourite angels. The nearness and favour of Allah which they possessed and the respect and honour which they have was never possessed by anybody else. Their ranks are supreme in the mansions of heaven. They were far ahead of others in their merits and bounties and also in their noble deeds and chastities so our scholars and Imams (leaders) have permanently written about their eminence and acquired the prosperity and piety of the two worlds. They wrote about the natures and the laudable actions of these holy men of Allah and also enlisted their preferences and attributes. Otherwise, they would have been over and above our sense of understanding and we could not have comprehended them. Allah is great.
If thousands of books/registers are used to record their merits and they are written for a thousand times still such a list will remain incomplete. Besides such abundance of their excellence and magnificence what is very excellent about them is their nearness in the presence of Allah. Further the favour of Allah which is in the hands of Allah alone and it is bestowed upon whom He will, had been acquired by them. In addition the Holy Scripture (Quran) and the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) himself have openly referred to the greatness of these Shaiks.
Hazrat Imam Hassan (Radi Allaho Anho) quoted Moula Ali (Allah’s favour on his countenance) as saying.
“I was present one day before the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) when Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar (Radi Allah A’nhum) appeared there. The Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) looked at them and said Ali, these two are the chiefs of all the old and the young men of paradise. They are next to the prophets and messengers”Hazrat Abu Huraira (Radi Allaho Anho) quoted the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) as saying:
(source: Tirmizi, Ibne Maja and Abdullah bin Ali, Imam Ahmed).”
“Abu Bakr and Umar are the best of the Awwaleen (Firsts) and the Aakhireen (Lasts) and are better than all the residents of the heaven and better than all the dwellers of the earth except the prophets and messengersFurther Hazrat Moula Ali (Let Allah’s favour be on his countenance) repeatedly illustrated the eminence of these two great Shaiks during the period of the pomp and caliphate and said in clean terms “These two persons irrespective of the limits of directions and ranks are prominent among all the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum)” He repeated these words many times and nearly eighty companions and followers of the companions have quoted the same words to have been spoken by the truthful Murtuza on many occasions either in open or in special meetings or in public or in the Juma mosques. About no other person he had uttered such words so repeatedly. Further as quoted by Imam Bukhari Hazrat Muhammad bin Hanifia S/o Hazrat Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) said:
(source: Alhakim in Alkana are also Ibne Adi and Khatib).”
“ I asked my father, the leader of the faithful Moula Ali (Let Allah’s favour be on his countenance) as to who is the best among men next to the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam)?” He replied, “Abu Bakr. Then I asked who is the best next to him. He said “Umar”.Hazrat Abu Umar bin abdullah quoted Hakam bin Hajal and also Dar Qatni narrated in his collection of Ahadith that so said Moula Ali (Let Allah’s favour be on his countenance). “Whom I shall find preferring me to the Shaikh’s (Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar (Radi Allah A’nhum) then I shall punish him with eighty lashes of whips for coining such a lie.”
Abul Qasim Talhi quoted Hazrat Aalqama as saying in his Kitabul Sunna, “When Moula Ali came to know that some people preferred him to the Shaikhain then he ascended the rostrum and after praising and glorifying Allah said “Oh you people I have heard that some individuals prefer me to Abu Bakr and Umar and if I would have heard it earlier I would have punished them by warning them. So whom I shall hear hence, to say like this then I shall regard him the invention of lie against the Shaikhain and will punish him accordingly.”
Then he said: “No doubt in this ummah next to the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) is Abu Bakr then follows Umar and Allah knows better who is the next after them.
In that meeting Hazrat Imam Hassan (Radi Allaho Anho) was present. He said: “By Allah had he (Hazrat Ali) mentioned the third name it would have been of Hazrat Usman (Radi Allaho Anho). Referring to all the AHadith (Narration of the sayings of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and all the speeches and assertions of Hazrat Murtuza (Radi Allaho Anho) and members of the Household of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) which are innumerable, a very few of them have been commented upon in the work namely “Munthahi-ul Tafseel-La-Mubahis-ul-Tafzeel)” (The proficient details about the discourses on preferences). Presently the respectable scholars of Sunni Sect pondered over these Ahadith (saying of Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and his traditions then they offered hundreds of illustrations about the eminence of Shaikhain and disregarded the limits of reason and ranks (specifying that they were eminent in such and such capacities and in other capacities some one else is eminent etc).
So they made it a doctrine or faith that although such special bounties and eminent attributes were possessed by Hazrat Moula Ali and some others in addition to him and by bounty of Allah they were alone possessors of such attributes which were not even possessed by the Shaikhain and even the contrary belief (its opposite) is equally true that the Ameerain and Vazirain (the leaders of the faithful and the Ministers) had acquired such exalted attributes and supreme favours from the presence of Allah that none others had a share in them. But by their absolute divine favour irrespective of the reason or rank and the abundance of requital (reward of virtue) in the presence of Allah the Shaikhain had been superior to all others.
In Hadith it is mentiond that the comrades of Syedna Imam Mehdi (Radi Allah Anho) will have the reward of fifty persons. Hearing this the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum) asked whether those fifty would be the comrades of Hazrat Mehdi or fifty Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum) of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). Then the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) saaid: “They will be equal to fifty of the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum). Thus their recompensation proved to be more and their reward and wage of labour was also declared to be more but as regards the eminence they could not have even possessed equal position to the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum). How can the comradeship of Imam Mehdi be equal to the companionship of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe wasallam) the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam)? To understand it clearly let us consider a similitude of a monarch who has sent his Grand Vazir and other Official on some expedition.
And on their victory in the expedition they are rewarded one lakh rupees each whereas the Vazir is conferred upon with a certificate of Pride of Performance. Then so for as the material gain is concerned then all the officers got more as wages and recompensation but as the honour bestowed upon the Vazir is concerned the material gain (of lakh) of the officials is not at all a match or basis of comparison with it (Bahar-e-Shariaht).
And this is the most firm and strong belief and nothing against it exists in any Hadith whatsoever and if there is any trace of such contradiction then it may be due to our misunderstanding. Otherwise why the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and Hazrat Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho), and the members of the household of the prophet would have without any restriction of reason and status would have declared them (the Shaikhain) to be the best of the Ummat and the chiefs of the First and the Lasts?
Whether the verse “Say (come our sons and your sons) and our souls and your souls”, and the right Hadith “I am whose Moula, then Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) is his Moula (too)” and the most weak and subject to cross questioning and neutralization (your flesh is my flesh and your blood is my blood) and other news and AHadith were not known to them? Whether inspite of being unique in their knowledge and consciousness and also possessing high quality of common sense and intelligence they still remained unaware of these secrets of the inner part of the household of Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and they spent their entire lives in this state of unawareness (and lack of knowledge)?
Or it so happened that inspite of being aware of these secrets they could not understand the manifest arguments behind them and due to self respect and shame they could not question anybody about the reality. Whether having understood the reality of the state of affairs they found these things to be contradictory to the eminence of the Shaikhain and still they deliberately remained calm and thus cultivated a faith which was contradictory to the belief of the majority of the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum)? Or they did not allow their tongues to speak out even though these thing were humiliating for them and they were being blamed of condemnable taqiyyah (pious fraud or subterfuge)? Under these circumstances how can we understand otherwise that they contradicted in their hearts but they confessed with their tongues (the eminence of the Shaikhain) and how can we ignore the clear illustrations and final arguments and facts free from all kind of doubts and manipulations about the exalted ranks of the Shaikhain.
All praise is for Allah the Rab of the worlds that I the most humble (Hazrat Raza) bondman of Allah know about such a decisive answer to this question quite sufficient (enough) to guide the men of judgment. For the prejudiced people there is extreme cause to be infuriated and to burn in the fire of wrath. As for as we Muslims of Sunni Sect are concerned we accept the saying of Hazrat Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) which is in fact a proof of our love for Hazrtat Murtuza (MABPWH). In fact our love for him demands that we should obey the beloved of Allah and His Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) and save ourselves from deserving the punishment of 80 lashes and the wrath of the truthful (Siddiqain), the most perfect among the saints and men of knowledge Syedna Siddique Akbar (Radi Allaho Anho) who risked his life for the love and honour of the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) even though saving of life is obligatory and in case when there is a risk of life due to the enmity or cruelty, a person is even exempted from establishing Namaz. But due to his true love and great respect for the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) Hazrat Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) did not care about his own life. Therefore next to all the prophets and the messengers of Allah, is the rank of Hazrat Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) and he is eminent among all the world and its peoples, creatures, all saints and all the learned scholars of religion. He is that Siddique about whom exist a Hadith saying: “Abu Bakr does not become prominent among you due to abundance of Namaz and fasting but it is due to the secret which is deeply established and accommodated in his heart.”
On another occasion the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) said about Hazrat Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho):
“If the faith of Abu Bakr is weighed along with the faith of all my Ummat then the faith of Abu Bakr will be heavier.”There are many such Ahadith about Hazrat Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho). Once the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) said:
“There exists no treatment/kindness of anybody which We have not paid back except that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiquue (Radi Allaho Anho). His kind treatment with us is such that it will be repaid to him by Allah on the Day of Resurrection”About the eminence of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) this verse of Allah is rightly applicable:
“No doubt the most honourable among you in the presence of Allah is he who is more righteous.”In another verse Allah reveals about a righteous Muslim:
The first verse is in respect of the righteous and eminent people of the old Ummat but for the follower of Sunni faith like us it is equally applicable to people like Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) and for the followers of Shia faith it is applicable to the leader of the faithful Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho).“Soon he will be saved (from Hell) who
is righteous.”
However to decide between the above two opinions Allah reveals the definition of “Atqa” (reghteous). Atqa is such a person.
The entire Muslim world knows and accepts this fact that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) was the only person who had always fulfilled the requisites of true bondmenship, perfect service and perfect dedication in such a way that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) as a token of their acceptance has uttered most kindly about Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) in the following words: “No doubt among all men none has treated (us) with his life and wealth as did Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho).”“On whom exists no such favour of any person,
which has (still) to be repaid.”
On the other hand Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) was brought up under the kind patronage and came to age in the house of Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). So he got everything from the House of Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). Therefore the above definition “Atqa” is not applicable to Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) but unanimously and with all certainty all the commentators of Holy Quran regard Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) to be the “Atqa” as defined by Allah.
In the very first year when Peerformance of Hajj has been made obligatory the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) appointed Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) to be the “Amir-ul-Hajaj” (The leader of the pilgrims). Further the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) made him an Imam (leader to lead Namaz) in his place when he was lying in his death bed.
Hazrat Ali Murtuza (Radi Allaho Anho) (Let Allah’s favour be on his countenance) said:
When we pondered on the point that Namaz is such a fundamental of Islam on which is established the (structure of) religion so in the matter of performance of the affairs of caliphate also we agree to base our decision on it (Namaz) which had been regarded so important in our religion, by (Allah and His) Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam). Therefore all of us took the oath of allegiance of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho).”As regards Hazrat Farooq-e-Azam (Radi Allaho Anho) about whom the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) prayed.
As a result of this prayer many honours were achieved by Islam and many many calamities were removed from Isalm and the Muslims.“Allahumma (O’ Allah) honour the Islam by the Khassa (nature) of Umar bin Khattab”
Syedna Abdullah bin Masood (Radi Allaho Anho) said in this connection:
And once the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) himself said about Hazrat Umar:“We always remained honourable ever since Hazrat Umar embraced Islam” (Bukhari).
It means that Hazrat Umar (Radi Allaho Anho) had such an exalted and firm nature that if the door of prophethood would not have been closed thereby then by favour of Allah he {Hazrat Umar (Radi Allaho Anho)} would have been a prophet (for one can not claim to be appointed as a prophet).“Had there been any prophet after me then he
would have been Umar.”
The Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) said on another occasion
about Hazrat Umar (Radi Allaho Anho):
All the Holy Companions (Radi Allah A’nhum) accepted unanimously that:“Wherever may be Umar, the Truth will keep
company with him.”
“Hazrat Umar (Radi Allaho Anho) took away nine shares of knowledge, whereas Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Radi Allaho Anho) possessed the highest knowledge among them.”He was that Farooq, that all the Satans on his way were terrified when he walked on it. He was that Farooq, that when he embraced Islam the supreme favourite angels had congratulated the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) on that occasion.
He was that Farooq, that since the day of his embracing Islam, Islam always achieved honours and exaltations. His Islam was triumph. His immigration was victory and his caliphate was blessing.
So it is proved beyond doubt that in the matter of nearness in the presence of Allah the Shaikhain enjoyed preference and eminence, the Vilayat (friendship with Allah) which is a speciality of the chosen bondmen of Allah and is bestowed by His favour and kindness to the Shaikhain happened to be supreme. The rank of nearness to Allah the Almighty enjoyed by Shaikhain however needs further consideration by the scholars and the learned men of the Ummat. It so happened that at the stage of completion of the prophethood mission the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho Alaihe Wasallam) established the Shaikhain to succeed him in the fields of perfection and excellences of prophethood and installed Hazrat Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) inherit him in respect of perfections of Vilayat (friendship with Allah). Therefore all the saints and Awliya Allah had acquired sainthood or vilayat from the house of Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) and remained needy of him and still remain and shall remain needy of him for their vilayat.
In the preambulation unto Allah all the saints are equal “We do not make distinction (in believing) between any of his prophets”.
Accordingly “We also do not make distinction between any of His saints and Awliya (friends)”.
It is said that when the bondman reaches the world of La-hoot (No means) and his preambulance unto Allah is completed then he enters the stage of Amusement in the company of (in the presence of) Allah, a stage which is infinite. At this stage every thing besides Allah loses its value in the eyes of the bondman and he crosses the limit of mortality. In the presence of Allah some people gradually attain high and higher position and once they enter the stage of Amusement in the company of Allah (Sair-Fil’lah) and the attraction of Allah then Allah pulls them nearer to His presence so their Amusement never ends Some of these bondmen are bestowed upon the assignment to guide the people. This is called the destination of Na-soot (Humanity). It is also called the World of evidence, World of Creation and World of body. At this stage the bondman possesses a special relation with Allah. On one hand he develops a relation on the other hand a relation with the creatures of Allah also. Such bondman attends to the work of guidance of the people (as Allah will).
It is through the agency of such saintly people that the robes of honour and Vilayat are bestowed upon the Muslims and they execute the oath of allegiance on their hands. It does not however mean that such saints go ahead in the office of sainthood in comparison to the other Awliya (friends of Allah) and enjoy comparatively more honour and esteem in the presence of Allah. However, the special assignment of guidance of people which is entrusted to the former kind of saints tantamounts to be a separate bounty of Allah which is specially bestowed upon them, whereas the others do not have such favour. Such a bounty therefore can not be made matter of distinction in respect of Shaikhain. In fact there were hundreds of other attributes which were bestowed upon Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) which were not given to the Shaikhain. Still in the presence of Allah the specially elevated ranks were enjoyed by the Shaikhain as a special privilege (otherwise Allah would not have mentioned them in his the holy verses as eminent and the best irrespective of reason that status and eminence of Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho) is specially denied). As a matter of fact the Vali (friends of lower ranks can not be regarded as a Vali (friend) of elevated rank, for example among the spiritual descendants of Moula Ali (Radi Allaho Anho), Syedna Imam Hussain (Radi Allaho Anho) and Hazrat Khwaja Hassan Basri had reached the destination of Na-soot (Humanity) to guide the men of Allah whereas no such distinction was reached or guidance work was assigned to Hazrat Imam Hassan (Radi Allaho Anho) even though his nearness in the field of Vilayat (friendship with Allah) was comparatively supreme to the nearness or Vilayat of Hazrat Hassan Basri. According to Some Ahadith Hazrat Imam Hassan (Radi Allaho Anho) enjoyed comparatively the highest eminence than the martyr of Karbala Hazrat Imam Hussain (Radi Allaho Anho) in the field of Vilayat (friendship with Allah).