(Revealed at Mecca - contains 45 verses - 3 sections)
Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
Section 1
[Qaf 50:1] Qaf; by oath of the Glorious Qur’an. [Qaf 50:2] Rather they were shocked that a Herald of Warning came to them from among themselves, so the disbelievers said, “This is something really strange.” [Qaf 50:3] “When we are dead and have turned to dust, will we be raised again? That return is impossible!” [Qaf 50:4] We know all what the earth decreases from them; and with Us is a Book that retains. [Qaf 50:5] In fact they denied the Truth when it came to them, so they are now in a dilemma. [Qaf 50:6] So did they not see the sky above them - how We have made it and beautified it, and there are no cracks in it? [Qaf 50:7] And (how) We have spread the earth, and placed mountains as anchors in it, and have grown all kinds of beautiful pairs in it? [Qaf 50:8] A perception and an understanding, for every bondman who inclines. [Qaf 50:9] And We sent down the auspicious water from the sky, therefore producing gardens with it, and the grain that is harvested. [Qaf 50:10] And high date-palms with lush fruit. [Qaf 50:11] As sustenance for the bondmen; and with it We revived a dead city; this is how you will be raised. [Qaf 50:12] Before these, the people of Nooh had denied, and so did the dwellers of Rass and the Thamud. [Qaf 50:13] And the tribe of A’ad, and Firaun, and the fellowmen of Lut. [Qaf 50:14] And the Dwellers of the Woods, and the people of Tubb’a; each one of them one denied the Noble Messengers, so My promised punishment proved true. [Qaf 50:15] So did We tire by creating the first time? Rather they doubt being created again. Section 2 [Qaf 50:16] And indeed We have created man and We know what his soul instils in him; and We are nearer to him than the hearts artery. [Qaf 50:17] When the two Receiving Angels receive (his deeds), one seated on the right and one on the left. [Qaf 50:18] He does not utter a single word, without a ready recorder not seated next to him. [Qaf 50:19] And the hardship of death came with the truth; “This is what you were escaping from!” [Qaf 50:20] And the Trumpet was blown; “This is the Day of the promised punishment.” [Qaf 50:21] And every soul came, along with a herder and a witness. [Qaf 50:22] “You were indeed neglectful of this, so We have removed the veil for you, and your eyesight is sharp this day.” [Qaf 50:23] And his accompanying angel said, “This is the record of your deeds, available with me.” [Qaf 50:24] It will be said to the angels, “Both of you fling every excessive ungrateful, stubborn person into hell.” [Qaf 50:25] “The one who excessively prevented from virtue, the transgressor, the doubtful.” [Qaf 50:26] “The one who appointed another God along with Allah – so both of you fling him into the severe punishment.” [Qaf 50:27] His accompanying devil said, “Our Lord! I did not cause him to rebel, but he himself was in extreme error.” [Qaf 50:28] He will say, “Do not dispute before Me – I had already warned you of the punishment.” [Qaf 50:29] “With Me, the decree does not change, and nor do I oppress the bondmen.” Section 3 [Qaf 50:30] The day when We will ask hell, “Are you filled up?” and it will answer, “Are there some more?” [Qaf 50:31] And Paradise will be brought close to the pious, not far away from them. [Qaf 50:32] This is what you are promised – for every repenting, careful person. [Qaf 50:33] Who fears the Most Gracious without seeing, and came with a heart that inclines. [Qaf 50:34] It will be said to him, “Enter it in peace; this is the day of eternity.” [Qaf 50:35] In it for them is all that they may desire, and with Us is more than it. [Qaf 50:36] And many a generation We did destroy before them, who exceeded them in strength, therefore venturing in the cities! Is there a place to escape? [Qaf 50:37] Indeed in this is an advice for anyone who keeps a heart, or listens attentively. [Qaf 50:38] And We have indeed created the heavens and the earth, and all what is between them, in six days; and fatigue did not even approach Us. [Qaf 50:39] Therefore (O dear prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) patiently bear upon what they say, and praising your Lord say His Purity before the sun rises and before the sun sets. [Qaf 50:40] And say His Purity during the night, and after the customary prayers. [Qaf 50:41] And listen attentively on the day when an announcer will proclaim from a place nearby. [Qaf 50:42] The day when all will hear the Scream with the truth; this is the day of coming out of the graves. [Qaf 50:43] Indeed it is We Who give life, and give death, and towards Us only is the return. [Qaf 50:44] On the day when the earth will split for them, so they will come out in haste; this is the gathering - easy for Us. [Qaf 50:45] We well know what they say (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), and you are not one to use force over them; therefore advise him with the Qur’an, whoever fears My threat. |
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