(Revealed at Mecca - contains 118 verses - 6 sections)
Allah - beginning with the name of - the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
Section 1
[Mominun 23:01] Successful indeed are the believers. [Mominun 23:02] Those who humbly cry in their prayers. [Mominun 23:03] And who do not incline towards indecent matters. [Mominun 23:04] And who pay the (obligatory) charity. [Mominun 23:05] And who guard their private organs. [Mominun 23:06] Except from their wives or the legal bondwomen that they possess, for then there is no blame upon them. [Mominun 23:07] So whoever desires more than these two - they are crossing the limits. [Mominun 23:08] And those who keep proper regard for their trusts and their pledges. [Mominun 23:09] And who guard their prayers. [Mominun 23:10] They are the inheritors. [Mominun 23:11] Those who will get the inheritance of Paradise; they will abide in it forever. [Mominun 23:12] Indeed We created man from a chosen soil. [Mominun 23:13] Then made him a drop of fluid in a secure shelter. [Mominun 23:14] We then turned the drop of fluid into a clot of blood, then the clot into a small lump of flesh, then the lump into bones, then covered the bones with flesh; then developed it in a different mould; therefore Most Auspicious is Allah, the Best Creator. [Mominun 23:15] Then after that, certainly all of you are to die. [Mominun 23:16] Then you will all be raised on the Day of Resurrection. [Mominun 23:17] And indeed We have created seven paths above you; and We are not unmindful of the creation. [Mominun 23:18] And We sent down water from the sky in proper measure, then stored it in the earth; and indeed We are Able to take it away! [Mominun 23:19] So with it We produced gardens of date-palms and grapes for you, in which is abundant fruit for you and you eat therefrom. [Mominun 23:20] And created the tree that comes forth from Mount Sinai, that grows containing oil and curry for the eaters. [Mominun 23:21] And indeed in the cattle is a lesson for
you; We give you to drink what is in their bellies, and there are many
benefits for you in them, and in them is your food.
Section 2 [Mominun 23:23] And indeed We sent Nooh towards his people - he therefore said, "O my people! Worship Allah, you do not have any other God except Him; so do you not fear?" [Mominun 23:24] So the disbelieving chieftains of his people said, "He is just a human like you, he wishes to become your leader; and had Allah willed, He would have sent down angels; We did not hear this in the case of our forefathers." [Mominun 23:25] "He is not but a man insane, therefore wait for some time." [Mominun 23:26] Submitted Nooh, "My Lord! Help me as they deny me." [Mominun 23:27] So We sent him the divine revelation that, "Make the ship in front of Our sight, and by Our command then when Our command comes and the oven overflows, embark in it two of every couple, and from your household except those upon whom the Word has been decreed; and do not speak to Me in respect of these unjust people; they will surely be drowned." [Mominun 23:28] "And when you and those with you have safely boarded the ship say, All praise is to Allah Who has rescued us from the unjust. " [Mominun 23:29] And pray, "My Lord! Cause me to alight at a blessed place and You are the Best of all who bring to settle." [Mominun 23:30] Indeed, surely in this are signs and indeed surely, We were examining. [Mominun 23:31] Then after them, We created another generation. [Mominun 23:32] So We sent among them a Noble Messenger from among them (saying), "Worship Allah, you do not have any other God except Him; so do you not fear?" Section 3 [Mominun 23:33] And said the leaders of his people, who disbelieved and denied the confronting of the Hereafter - and We had given them comfort in the worldly life that, "He is nothing but a human like you, he eats from what you eat and drinks from what you drink." [Mominun 23:34] "If you were to obey a human like yourselves, then surely you are losers!" [Mominun 23:35] "Does he promise you that when you die and turn into dust and bones, you will be raised again?" [Mominun 23:36] "How remote, (really) how remote is the promise you are given!" [Mominun 23:37] "There is nothing except our life of this world, we die and we live, and we are not to be raised." [Mominun 23:38] "He is just a man who has fabricated a lie against Allah, and we are not going to believe him." [Mominun 23:39] He said, "My Lord! Help me as they deny me." [Mominun 23:40] Said Allah, "They will soon wake up at morn, regretting." [Mominun 23:41] So the true Scream seized them - We therefore made them like rotten hay; so away with the unjust people! [Mominun 23:42] Then after them, We created other generations. [Mominun 23:43] No nation can go before its term ends nor stay back. [Mominun 23:44] We then sent our Noble Messengers, one after another; whenever a nations Noble Messenger came to it they denied him, We therefore united the succeeding with the old, and made them history; so far removed be the people who do not believe! [Mominun 23:45] We then sent Moosa and his brother Haroon, with Our signs and a clear proof. [Mominun 23:46] Towards Firaun and his court members in response they were haughty, and they were in dominance. [Mominun 23:47] They therefore said, "Shall we believe in two humans like ourselves, whereas their nation is servile to us?" [Mominun 23:48] So they denied them therefore became of those who were destroyed. [Mominun 23:49] And indeed We gave Moosa the Book, that they may attain guidance. [Mominun 23:50] And We made the son of Maryam (Prophet Eisa) and his mother a sign, and We gave them shelter on a height, a place to stay and visible springs. Section 4 [Mominun 23:51] "O Noble Messengers, eat good clean things, and do good deeds; I know all that you do." [Mominun 23:52] "And indeed this religion of yours is one religion only and I am your Lord, therefore fear Me." [Mominun 23:53] But their nations broke their tasks into pieces; every group happy with what it has. [Mominun 23:54] So leave them in their intoxication till a time. [Mominun 23:55] Do they assume that the wealth and sons which We provide them - [Mominun 23:56] Are quickly giving them goodness? In fact, they do not know. [Mominun 23:57] Indeed those who are overwhelmed due to the fear of their Lord - [Mominun 23:58] And those who believe in the signs of their Lord - [Mominun 23:59] And those who do not ascribe any partner to their Lord - [Mominun 23:60] And those who give what they give and their hearts fear for they have to return to their Lord. [Mominun 23:61] These people hasten to perform goodness, and it is they who shall reach them first. [Mominun 23:62] And We do not burden any soul beyond its capacity, and with Us is a Book * that speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged. (* The preserved tablet or the record of ones deeds.) [Mominun 23:63] On the contrary, their hearts are in neglect of this and their works are different than those of the believers, the works that they are doing. [Mominun 23:64] To the extent that when We seized the wealthy among them with punishment, they immediately began imploring. [Mominun 23:65] "Do not implore this day; you will not be helped by Us." [Mominun 23:66] "My verses were recited to you, so you used to turn back on your heels." [Mominun 23:67] "Priding yourself in serving the Sacred Mosque; at night you utter indecent stories in it, while discarding the truth." [Mominun 23:68] Have they not pondered the matter, or did that come to them, which did not come to their forefathers? [Mominun 23:69] Or is it that they did not recognise their Noble Messenger, therefore they consider him alien? [Mominun 23:70] Or they say, "He is afflicted by a demon"; in fact he brought the Truth to them, and most of them dislike the Truth. [Mominun 23:71] And had the Truth followed their desires, then indeed the heavens and the earth and all those who are in them would be destroyed; in fact We brought to them a thing in which lay their repute, so they are turned away from their own repute. [Mominun 23:72] Do you (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) ask any fee from them? So the reward of your Lord is the best; and He is the Best Provider of Sustenance. [Mominun 23:73] And indeed you call them to the Straight Path. [Mominun 23:74] And indeed those who do not believe in the Hereafter are deviated from the Straight Path. [Mominun 23:75] And if We have mercy upon them and remove the calamity which has befallen them, they would still stubbornly persist, wandering in their rebellion. [Mominun 23:76] And indeed We grasped them with punishment, so neither did they submit themselves to their Lord, nor do they cry humbly. [Mominun 23:77] To the extent that when We opened the gate of a severe punishment for them, they thereupon lie despairingly in it. Section 5 [Mominun 23:78] And it is He Who has created ears and eyes and hearts for you; very little is the right you acknowledge. [Mominun 23:79] And it is He Who has spread you in the earth, and towards Him you are to be raised. [Mominun 23:80] And it is He Who gives life and causes death, and for Him are the alternations of night and day; so do you not have sense? [Mominun 23:81] On the contrary, they said the same as what the former people used to say. [Mominun 23:82] They say, "Will we, when we die and turn into dust and bones, be raised again?" [Mominun 23:83] "Indeed this promise was given to us and before us to our forefathers this is nothing but stories of earlier people." [Mominun 23:84] Say O dear Prophet (Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him), "To Whom does the earth and all that is in it belong to, if you know?" [Mominun 23:85] Thereupon they will say, "To Allah"; proclaim, "Therefore why do you not ponder?" [Mominun 23:86] Say, "Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, and the Lord of the Tremendous Throne?" [Mominun 23:87] Thereupon they will say, "Such greatness is only that of Allah"; say, "So why do you not fear?" [Mominun 23:88] Say, "In Whose hand is the control over all things, and He provides refuge, and none can provide refuge against Him, if you know?" [Mominun 23:89] Thereupon they will say, "Such greatness is only that of Allah"; say, "Then by what magic are you deceived?" [Mominun 23:90] In fact We brought the Truth to them, and indeed they are liars. [Mominun 23:91] Allah has not chosen any child, nor any other God along with Him were it so, each God would have taken away its creation, and each one would certainly wish superiority over the other; Purity is to Allah above all the matters they fabricate. [Mominun 23:92] The All Knowing, of every hidden and the visible so Supremacy is to Him over their ascribing of partners (to Him). Section 6 [Mominun 23:93] Pray, "My Lord! If You show me the promise they are given," [Mominun 23:94] "Therefore my Lord, do not group me with the unjust." [Mominun 23:95] And indeed We are Able to show you the promise they are given. [Mominun 23:96] Repel evil with the best deeds; We well know the matters that they fabricate. [Mominun 23:97] And submit, "My Lord! I seek Your refuge from the instigation of the devils." [Mominun 23:98] "And my Lord, (I seek) Your refuge from their coming to me." [Mominun 23:99] Until, when death comes to one* of them, he says, "O my Lord, send me back!" (The disbelievers) [Mominun 23:100] "Perhaps I may do some good deeds in what I have left behind"; this is just a word that he utters from his mouth; and confronting them is a barrier until the day in which they will be raised. [Mominun 23:101] So when the Trumpet is blown, so there will neither be any relationship among them * that day, nor will they ask about one another. (The disbelievers) [Mominun 23:102] Therefore the ones whose scales prove heavy - they are the successful. [Mominun 23:103] And the ones whose scales prove light it is they who put their lives into ruin, remaining in hell forever. [Mominun 23:104] The fire shall scorch their faces, and they will remain dejected in it. [Mominun 23:105] "Were not My verses recited to you, so you used to deny them?" [Mominun 23:106] They will say, "Our Lord! Our ill-fate overcame us, and we were the astray people." [Mominun 23:107] "Our Lord, remove us from hell then if we do the same, we are the unjust." [Mominun 23:108] Allah will say, "Remain rebuked in it, and do not speak to Me." [Mominun 23:109] "Indeed there was a group among My bondmen who said, 'Our Lord! We have accepted faith, therefore forgive us and have mercy on us, and You are the Best Among The Merciful.' " [Mominun 23:110] "So you took them for a mockery until your mocking at them made you forget My remembrance, and you used to laugh at them!" [Mominun 23:111] "Indeed this day I have rewarded them for their endurance, so that it is they who are the successful." [Mominun 23:112] He will say, "How long did you stay on earth, counting by the number of years? [Mominun 23:113] They will say, "We stayed a day or part of a day, so ask those who keep count." [Mominun 23:114] He will say, "You stayed but only a little, if you knew." [Mominun 23:115]So do you think that We have created you needlessly, and that you do not have to return to Us? [Mominun 23:116] So Most Supreme is Allah, the True King; there is no God except Him; Lord of the Throne of Honour. [Mominun 23:117] And the one who worships any other God along with Allah of which he does not have any proof his account is with his Lord; indeed there is no salvation for the disbelievers. [Mominun 23:118] And (O dear Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) say, "My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, and You are the Best of all the Merciful. |
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